Resident Services
This service ensures that all residents live stable and independent lives, including assisting our residents gain access to needed health care and social services to help improve the quality of their lives.
Family Self-Sufficiency Program
The mission of the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is to assist motivated individuals and families to become economically independent and self-sufficient by working together to overcome barriers, build self-esteem, and establish and attain goals.
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program is a voluntary program for participants in the Voucher Program (i.e. Section 8, Housing Choice, Project Based, VASH, FYI/FUP). Its purpose is to assist families receiving Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assistance in these programs to improve their economic situation and reduce their dependence on public assistance. FSS is for those people who are unemployed, or are already employed and want to increase their income. They must be willing to commit to changing their lives.
As FSS participants succeed in raising their family income, the portion of their monthly rent responsibility payment also increases. HUD regulations allow a percentage of their rent increase to be deposited into an interest-bearing escrow account. If the family meets its goals within five (5) years, is suitably employed, and completes a HUD-approved financial training workshop, the participant will receive the funds in this account.
Participating families are required to sign a five-year Contract of Participation with the Housing Authority (a two-year extension may be granted in some cases). An Individual Training and Services Plan will be developed to outline employment goals, education and/or job training, and services needed for each participant. FSS staff will work with the households to identify and locate the services they need in order to accomplish their goals.
Young Adults with FUP or FYI Vouchers are entitled to receive FUP/FYI assistance for up to an additional 24 months beyond the 36-month timeline limit if they enroll in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program.
You can participate in the FSS Program if you:
Are housed with a Voucher in SLO County
Are 18 years of age or older
Are interested in obtaining job training or education
Want career counseling and direction in life
Want to save money for your future
Want to become financial independent
There are a limited number of slots available for the FSS Program. If you are interested in this program complete the Family Self-Sufficiency application form and return by mail to: HASLO, Attn: FSS, P.O. Box 1289, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1289; or by email to twalker@haslo.org.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Bourbon (805-594-5315, sbourbon@haslo.org) or Traci Walker (805-594-5332, twalker@haslo.org).
Covid-19 coronavirus resources
If you are interested in participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program fill out and return the FSS Application to:
Attention: FSS
P.O. Box 1289
San Luis Obispo, CA