Landlord Information/Resources
Advertise on the “Affordable Housing Website”
In just one easy step, a landlord can advertise their rental to potential residents by listing the property on the "Affordable Housing Website."
The property listed must be available at time of listing. Once you have listed a property, you will be contacted by the prospective tenant interested in your rental.
Important things to remember are:
The property must be ready for occupancy.
After you have completed the necessary documentation required by the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) including signing the lease, there will be a required Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection which will be completed by a Housing Choice Voucher Program inspector and your property must pass inspection to conclude the process. This HQS inspection is required by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ensure our clients are living in a clean, safe, and sanitary unit.
Bi-annual HQS inspections will be completed by HASLO to ensure your property is being taken care of by the tenant.
For more information about being a landlord to a Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) participant, please click here.