Contact Us

Street Address:
487 Leff Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4347

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1289
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

Phone: (805) 543-4478
Fax: (805) 543-4992
Maintenance Fax: (805) 541-2973
Housing Mgmt Fax: (805) 595-1372

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4347


The Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) has a mission to assist the counties lower income citizens secure and maintain long-term housing. It is a mission the Housing Authority takes very seriously and executes  creatively and diligently.

Maintenance Requests

Your have reached the section of HASLO's website designed for existing residents of HASLO owned or managed properties.  It contains information regarding how to initiate a maintenance request as well as number to call for after hours maintenance requests that are urgent.   For fire or other emergencies you should call 911.


You may request Maintenance personnel to wear a mask when entering your unit.

To submit a maintenance request, please complete the Work Order Request or call 805-543-1026.

When reporting your problem, clearly provide:

  • Your name

  • Your complex address and unit number

  • Your contact phone number and email

  • The problem you are experiencing

  • Permission to enter your unit

We will contact you as soon as we can.

Residents are not charged for work order completion unless the maintenance technician determines the work was required due to resident damage or neglect.

For after-hours urgent maintenance concerns, please call 805-549-6473.  If a maintenance technician is called to a resident's home and the situation is not judged to be of an urgent nature (i.e. if it could reasonably be handled the following day during normal business hours), the resident will be charged for the technician's time and transportation expenses.

For any suspected gas emergency, or questions regarding a gas odor or carbon monoxide, please call Southern California Gas Company immediately at 1-800-427-2200.