Contact Us

Street Address:
487 Leff Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4347

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1289
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

Phone: (805) 543-4478
Fax: (805) 543-4992
Maintenance Fax: (805) 541-2973
Housing Mgmt Fax: (805) 595-1372

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4347


The Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) has a mission to assist the counties lower income citizens secure and maintain long-term housing. It is a mission the Housing Authority takes very seriously and executes  creatively and diligently.

Family on couch Aug-15-2024.jpg


staff development on friday, march 21

The office will be closed from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21st for staff development.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

HASLO Moves to New Office

HASLO will move to their beautiful new office building March 24-27. Most of the staff will continue working during that time although there may be some slight delays in responding to requests. The HASLO dropbox will move to 487 Leff Street on the morning of Monday, March 31.

HASLO appreciates the talents and cooperation of RRM Design Group and Abbott|Reed Builders for bringing our vision to fruition.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.


The next HASLO Board of Commissioners meeting will be held in person on Thursday, March 20, beginning at 12:00 noon. Public may attend in person or virtually. The Agenda Packet has the location (a new location!), link, and phone number to attend.

Michelle Pedigo appointed Executive Director 

The Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo (HASLO) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Pedigo as Executive Director, effective immediately. This appointment is the result of a detailed recruitment process with two levels of panel interviews, conducted by the HASLO Board of Commissioners and leaders from partnering agencies.

Ms. Pedigo has demonstrated a passion for and commitment to serving the public for her entire career. She has been with HASLO since 2013 serving in multiple crucial director roles in which she acquired in-depth knowledge of Housing Management, Finance, Development, and Operations; as well as twice being appointed as the Interim Executive Director. Prior to joining HASLO, Ms. Pedigo served as the CFO of the Women’s Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo from 2012 to 2013, and as a Senior Financial Analyst for People’s Self-Help Housing from 2006 to 2012. Ms. Pedigo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in economics and financial management from California Polytechnic State University

Ashlea Boyer, HASLO’s Chair of the Board of Commissioners, stated, "Michelle has shown a great enthusiasm for affordable housing and a depth of knowledge in navigating the complexities of federal, state and local regulations. She has also demonstrated a servant leader approach and the commissioners are pleased to see her grow into this role organically." Ms. Pedigo stated, "Early in my career, I developed a deep passion for the housing industry and a strong commitment to a mission that can make a lasting impact on people's lives.  I’m excited to continue my work at HASLO in this important role.”

Wait lists now open

The “rents restricted” properties listed below have units currently available.

Rents restricted properties have below market rents, but applicants still have to show they have enough income to pay those rents; whereas for Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) and Project-Based Vouchers (PBVs) rent is adjusted based on the applicant’s income.

You can review the Income Limits, occupancy standards, and other restrictions for each property listed below on the HASLO Rental Application (click here).

  • Islay Hills (SLO) - 3 bedrooms

  • Macadero Gardens (Atascadero) - 2 & 3 bedrooms

  • Ferrell (Los Osos) - 2 bedrooms

  • Marvin Gardens (SLO) - 2 bedrooms (must be 62+ or living with a disability or handicap)

  • Parkwood Villas (SLO) - 2 bedrooms

  • Iron Works (SLO) - 2 bedrooms

More information can be found under “Housing Options.”

The Housing Choice Voucher program (Section 8) is currently closed.  

We hope to open it again when funding becomes available.

If you previously applied for the Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 interest list, but were not chosen in the lottery, you will have to reapply when the interest list opens again.

HASLO to Construct New Office to Meet Current and Future Organizational Needs

HASLO is moving forward with constructing a new office building at 487 Leff Street in San Luis Obispo to meet the current and future needs of the organization and the 4,000 families it serves countywide. 

HASLO estimates construction of the new building will run through the end of 2024/early 2025, depending upon weather conditions and supply chain. 

The current HASLO office was adapted from older residential buildings in the 1970s, totaling 5,000 total square feet.  At that time, HASLO had 20-30 staff, serving City of San Luis Obispo community members in 172 public housing units. Fast forward to today, HASLO is staffed by 80 employees, serving 4,000 families throughout SLO County in an array of services, while overseeing nearly 1000 affordable housing units.  A new office building is needed to accommodate the expanded workforce, programs, and client size. 

“We are excited to begin this important project,” said HASLO Executive Director Scott Collins.  “HASLO continues to increase the number of clients and projects we support, and we need a modern building to conduct the work efficiently and effectively.  The new office will also provide much needed public meeting space for our clients, our partners, and community members.” 

Abbott | Reed has been selected to be the contractor for the estimated $9 million, 13,000 square foot facility project (designed by RRM).  Anticipating the need for a new office, HASLO began saving funds for the project about 15 years ago.  As a result, the project will be constructed without HASLO taking on debt.  HASLO took particular care to ensure that saving these funds would not impact the number of clients they have been able to serve.         

During construction, the bulk of HASLO staff will work out of a temporary office at 1150 Laurel Lane, Suite 190, in San Luis Obispo.  As the Laurel Lane temporary office is in a busy construction site, HASLO clients are encouraged to call HASLO at 805-543-4478 with questions, and mail their paperwork and rent checks to P.O. Box 1289, San Luis Obispo, CA  93406.  A drop box is available at Laurel Lane though HASLO’s preference is for clients to mail items to the office.

Demolition of the old office and construction of the new office may have some impact on neighboring residents.  All construction activities will be in accordance with City of San Luis Obispo standards, and neighboring residents will be notified in advance of any utility service impacts.  Utilities disruptions are expected to be less than a few hours per occurrence.  Also, please expect periodic dust, traffic, and noise disruptions.


HASLO staff has moved from 487 Leff Street while our new office building is constructed.  Please call 805-543-4478 if you would like to request an appointment or self-addressed envelopes.

There are no walk-in appointments.

Please mail payments and paperwork to P.O. Box 1289, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93406.

During construction, the bulk of HASLO staff will work out of a temporary office at 1150 Laurel Lane, Suite 190, in San Luis Obispo.  As the Laurel Lane temporary office is in a busy construction site, HASLO clients are encouraged to call HASLO at 805-543-4478 with questions, and mail their paperwork and rent checks to P.O. Box 1289, San Luis Obispo, CA  93406.  A drop box is available at Laurel Lane though HASLO’s preference is for clients to mail items to the office.

4-Bedroom Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Units available at SLO Villages, madonna road apartments, & oak park 1&2

HASLO will continuously accept applications for 4-bedroom PBV (Project-Based Voucher) units at SLO Villages, Madonna Road Apartments, and Oak Park 1 & 2 (in Paso Robles). SLO Villages are 14 newly renovated properties throughout the City of San Luis Obispo. Project-Based Vouchers (PBVs) are rental assistance vouchers offered through HASLO under contract with designated landlords in the community. Only paper applications will be accepted for the 4-bedroom waiting list. Preferences will be available for SLO County residents, veterans, and applicant households who earn less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI).

There are occupancy standards for these units. Generally, this means there are 2 household members per bedroom unless there are generational or gender differences.

Please note that the intake and eligibility is a two-step process, and the Property Manager will have additional screening requirements.

california tenant protection act

The California Tenant Protection Act of 2019, AB 1482, is effective January 1, 2020, through January 1, 2030. The law requires a landlord to have a “just cause” in order to terminate a tenancy. It limits annual rent increases to no more than 5% + local CPI (CPI = inflation rate), or 10% whichever is lower.

Not all landlords and properties are covered by this new law. Some units are exempt from these regulations. Here is a tool to help you determine if your rental is covered by the California Tenant Protection Act, AB 1482:





Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) and Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) Assistance Programs are rental assistance programs operated by HASLO under it's housing authority designation from HUD.  There are income limits in effect for these programs.  Generally, income should be at or below 30% AMI or 50% AMI (Area Median Income) based on household size.  The majority of vouchers will be issued to those at or below 30% AMI.




Since 1968 HASLO has been helping people in San Luis Obispo County with housing that fits their budgets and needs.